Friday, February 24



Bright sun, shining through
rika-laden branch, compels:
shadows flee my heart.

Lichen blooms on elderly rock, oh! Sustenance!


Gentle white wing lofts
a view of discreet petals;
her fan beckoning.


Lucky bamboo, prisoned with rocks, invites--whose luck?


Without, sakura drift. Within, bare branches still.

Teikei (fixed-form) haiku for this month's format challenge at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads.

Rika, 李花, ume (plum) blossoms, first harbingers of spring. Sakura, , cherry blossoms, full celebration of fleeting spring. Isshoukenmei, 一生懸命, to try one's very hardest, to do as best one can.